
Restorative recordings for the public to purchase

All of these programme help to improve alignment and spine health. Please contact me to discuss any of these programs below for further information.

Please read through the health and safety document below before starting any of these programmers and keep a copy of the document.

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Pilates with Alexis

I offer an online monthly package that allows you to access my weekly classes as and when you would like to use them. The online programme also allows you to access the classes live through the application Zoom. Each week there will be 4 classes uploaded onto the members login area for you to use, and will include a weekly  Mat based Pilates class, Dynamic Pilates flow class, 30min Core Class and a relaxation. Please feel free to contact me for any more information on this monthly package, or please join up via the website. Look forward to having you as part of the online Pilates members group.

Best wishes,
Alexis x

Join our membership programme